
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kids table and chairs & Bonus Holiday wreath

Remember this..Well we finally got around to painting it. We started with it white but I quickly realized that white as a children's table was a bad idea. Plus, it stood out like a sore thumb in our living room since nothing else is white. So it got painted black. Then after a random trip into Michael's where I scored these kids chairs on clearance I was STOKED!

These are what the chairs looked like pre-paint. Don't mind the ornaments..that was another do it yourself. See that hanger..I bent it into a circle and strung those ornaments on it. Picture to come!

A little sanding..a little painting and we have ourselves a new kids table. It's adorable and I have some plans to customize it a bit..stay tuned.

DIY eat sign

Everyone always comments on this little eat sign that I have in my kitchen. Do you want to know a secret? This sign was totally free. They don't believe what I tell them it's made out of...can you guess?

It's starting to look a little worn so I need to reglue it...

It's a clothes box. A kohl's box to be exact (I like the sweet black border it has). It's spray painted yellow. Then I printed out black cardstock letters of EAT and glued them on. Easy. Peasy. and Free.
No one ever thinks it's a clothes box.

cheap wall art

Cheap Art?! I am a BIG fan of framing scrapbook paper. I love these black and white prints but finding a 12x12 frame is hard. I ordered these offline for about $12 a piece plus $ s & h. Overall I still think it's a great steal and I love the look it adds above our couch. Now that we have a sectional I feel like I need one more to make it look complete....
For an added touch I print out my favorite quotes and glue them on top of my scrapbook paper. I have this one in the middle of our picture college. It has pictures from marriage to pregnancy to our kids and this message simply states where all this started...

DIY yarn balls

ROUND ballons (smaller the better- I got regular size against the husbands protests and well..I should have got smaller ones because some of my balls aren't so round)
Elmers glue

 Mix elmers glue and water in a bowl
Use more glue then water..I made mine a little too watery and they aren't rock hard like they are suppose to be.
Cut yarn into long strips and dip in your bowl, totally saturate the yarn.
Then wrap around ballon any old way
Let dry..I let mine dry for 2 days just to be sure!
Then pop!!! the ballon and remove out of one of the holes
I got this great little basket at Hobby Lobby for 7.99 and 50% sale..making it only $4!!! Steal!

DIY starburst mirror

 DIY Starburst Mirror
3 packs of dowel rods from Hobby Lobby @ $2.49 each
1 mirror from Michaels @ $4.99
Hot glue gun
wall mount (I used the same type that are on the back of picture frames)
Spray paint (optional)
 I staggered my sticks into three different levels. I drew a circle with a compass to know where to glue each one. I then alternated and hot glued each stick down until the mirror was complete. Then I hot glued a wall mount to hang it. This was SO easy!
I still plan on spray painting it but haven't made it out to get the right color yet. I will just cover the mirror with paper and tape it down and spray away.I think it looks pretty good and "natural" without the spray paint too!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DIY Frosted Wine Bottles with Frosted Branches

DIY Frosted Wine Bottles with Frosted Branches

You will need...
Wine bottles
epsom salts
craft bond spray
spray paint of choice...I chose Krylon in Silver

First I sprayed the bottles with my paint
Let dry
Then spray with craft bond and roll in epsom salts
Then spray again

Next find some dryed out branches and spray paint those

 Put branches in bottles and VOILA!

DIY Noel Sign for Christmas

Super easy and quick Noel Sign
You will need:
Thick black foam board cut to size
Printed letters- I printed them on cardstock in a light gray and cut them out
Modge Podge
rubber cement

I also used this sealing spray to hold my glitter in place.

With rubber cement glue all letters in place. I cocked my O to add some funk.
Then brush on your modgepodge using a foam brush.
Wait for it to dry
Add glitter then spray on sealer


Saturday, August 13, 2011


So the other day I went to my parents house and came home with....wait for it....a bag of crap. Yes, a bag of crap. I asked my mother if she had any old frames I could have and after an intense search in their storage room ending with my father lugging a double bagged, extra large trash bag up the stairs and into my trunk, all the while my mom called me a hoarder, I arrived home with an eager grin on my face to start creating.

All of these hideous,dated and just plain terrible ugly wood frames were about to get a rude awakening.

A much needed facelift from my new BFF, ole' doc spraypaint. Oh, How I love me some spray paint.
Here is a sneak peak at a few of my creations from my hoarding bag of junk that I used to spruce up our new play area downstairs...more to come...

Art Holders

Puntins has an art corner in our kitchen. She has a little table (the project next on my list...) and a crap ton of art stuff. She colors CONSTANTLY so I wanted something cute but accessible she could grab her stuff without me having to drop everything to open our child proof art cabinet ;). So in comes cans with scrap paper wrapped around it. I made sure the cans were NOT sharp and just taped the scrap paper on it . Easy and voila! Cuteness!

next up...this table needs a paint job and a new matching chair.
hello sander!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bathroom Redo

purple is still my favorite color but it was time to move on!
Still need to get a curtain that actually fits the window. That is an old curtain from our first house that I pinned up so I could drop the hideous plastic mini blinds!

see my Sissy girls sweet feet in the art?

Paint is Behr "Retro Avacado"

LOVE it!
scored that cute bin for $3 on target on mega clearance! It is actually a "beverage tub" What I love most about this transformation is everything besides that clearance beverage tub and paint I already had. I had bought the shower curtain last summer for our downstairs bathroom so the whole makeover centered around that. My mom had gotten us new towels for Christmas that I had never taken the tags off of because I knew I wanted to redo the bathroom and I wasn't sure of thank you walmart for letting me swap out 8 month old towels to get ones that matched! All the little pieces of decor are things I found and reworked. =)

Practical Kitchen Decoration

Don't have a backsplash? Is it looking kind of bare there? AWESOME fix? Hang your trivets to add a little flare. Easy, cheap and practical! LOVE it!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My mission

It started with Pinterest. A crafty side emerged that I had tucked deep down inside. I started making stuff. Redoing. Redecorating. and I had little money to do thrifty became my middle name. People started asking, "Where did you get that?" and when I heard myself saying over and over again.."Well....I made it." I decided to create a place to share all of that. It helps that I have a hands on, talented husband who works in the construction industry. With his engineering skills and my visions we are a pretty cool team!