
Saturday, August 13, 2011


So the other day I went to my parents house and came home with....wait for it....a bag of crap. Yes, a bag of crap. I asked my mother if she had any old frames I could have and after an intense search in their storage room ending with my father lugging a double bagged, extra large trash bag up the stairs and into my trunk, all the while my mom called me a hoarder, I arrived home with an eager grin on my face to start creating.

All of these hideous,dated and just plain terrible ugly wood frames were about to get a rude awakening.

A much needed facelift from my new BFF, ole' doc spraypaint. Oh, How I love me some spray paint.
Here is a sneak peak at a few of my creations from my hoarding bag of junk that I used to spruce up our new play area downstairs...more to come...

Art Holders

Puntins has an art corner in our kitchen. She has a little table (the project next on my list...) and a crap ton of art stuff. She colors CONSTANTLY so I wanted something cute but accessible she could grab her stuff without me having to drop everything to open our child proof art cabinet ;). So in comes cans with scrap paper wrapped around it. I made sure the cans were NOT sharp and just taped the scrap paper on it . Easy and voila! Cuteness!

next up...this table needs a paint job and a new matching chair.
hello sander!